TECHNOLOGY: GRAND THEFT AUTO VI Teen GTA 6 hacker accused of extorting Rockstar by disclosing the source code for the sequel


GRAND THEFT AUTO VI Teen GTA 6 hacker accused of extorting Rockstar by disclosing the source code for the sequel

One of the most anticipated games ever is Grand Theft Auto VI. Its reputation has likewise made it a major objective for hacking. As indicated by a new Reuters story, this incorporates a programmer making an impression on all Rockstar staff individuals on the organization's Leeway taking steps to deliver search GTA VI's source code

As indicated by Reuters, the denounced programmer is Arion Kurtaj, a high school individual from the Lapsus$ hacking bunch. He faces a total of 12 charges, including six under the UK's Computer Misuse Act, including three counts of blackmail and two counts of fraud.

Kurtaj is also accused of targeting companies like Uber, Nvidia, and Revolut, in addition to Rockstar, and of extorting $4 million from the British broadband provider BT Group. Kurtaj has been considered intellectually unsuitable to stand preliminary.

Amazing Burglary Auto VI is one of the most expected games of all time. It has also become a frequent target of hacking due to its notoriety. As per a new Reuters story, this incorporates a programmer making an impression on all Rockstar staff individuals on the organization's Leeway taking steps to deliver search GTA VI's source code.

Arion Kurtaj, a teen member of the Lapsus$ hacking group, is the accused hacker, according to Reuters. He faces a total of 12 charges, including six under the UK's Computer Misuse Act, including three counts of blackmail and two counts of fraud.

On top of Rockstar, Kurtaj is likewise blamed for focusing on organizations including Revolut, Uber, and Nvidia, and of coercing the English broadband supplier BT Gathering and requesting a $4 million payoff. Kurtaj has been considered intellectually ill suited to stand preliminary.

In 2022, Rockstar Games experienced a "network interruption" bringing about a large group of incomplete interactivity and resources being spilled across virtual entertainment. Rockstar swiftly removed the leaked content, but it was unable to completely stop its spread. It even showed up in Goat Test system 3 preceding being quickly brought down.

"We treat spills extremely in a serious way to be sure and they dishearten us all, it's truly baffling and disturbing to the group," Take-Two President Strauss Zelnick said directly following the breaks. " Anyway as a business matter we're not impacted. However, our teams are affected emotionally and personally."

Fabulous Robbery AUTO VI
Adolescent GTA 6 Programmer Blamed for Coercing Rockstar With Delivering Spin-off's Source Code
Rockstar's expected continuation has battled with hacking

Excellent Robbery Auto VI is one of the most expected games of all time. Its reputation has likewise made it a major objective for hacking. As per a new Reuters story, this incorporates a programmer making an impression on all Rockstar staff individuals on the organization's Leeway taking steps to deliver search GTA VI's source code.

As per Reuters, the denounced programmer is Arion Kurtaj, a young individual from the Lapsus$ hacking bunch. He faces a total of 12 charges, including six under the UK's Computer Misuse Act, including three counts of blackmail and two counts of fraud.

On top of Rockstar, Kurtaj is likewise blamed for focusing on organizations including Revolut, Uber, and Nvidia, and of extorting the English broadband supplier BT Gathering and requesting a $4 million payoff. Kurtaj has been considered intellectually unsuitable to stand preliminary.

In 2022, Rockstar Games experienced a "network interruption" bringing about a large group of incomplete ongoing interaction and resources being spilled across online entertainment. Rockstar moved rapidly to eliminate the released material, however it couldn't completely forestall its spread. It even showed up in Goat Test system 3 preceding being quickly brought down.

In response to the leaks, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick stated, "We take leaks very seriously indeed and they disappoint all of us; it's really frustrating and upsetting to the team." Anyway as a business matter we're not impacted. However, as an individual matter and a profound matter, our groups are impacted."

While Kurtaj wasn't named at that point, Uber delivered a blog uncovering that it was working with the FBI and the U.S. Division of Equity to examine its own information breaks, and that they thought it was a similar programmer behind the Rockstar breaks.

Search GTA 6's release date is unknown, but it could be as early as next year. In the interim, a jury will attempt to determine whether Kurtaj is to blame for the alleged hacking, but it will not rule on whether Kurtaj is guilty or not guilty.

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