TECHNOLOGY: September 2023




As the world keeps on being interconnected by the most recent progressions in innovation, India is focusing on the future by setting out on a notable excursion: the send off of 6G. With 5G organizations gradually turning into a reality in different pieces of the globe, India's desire to send off 6G exhibits its obligation to remaining at the bleeding edge of mechanical development. In this blog, we'll dig into what 6G is, its likely advantages, difficulties, and India's situation in this striking undertaking.

Understanding 6G: Into the great beyond of Availability

While 5G is still during the time spent being carried out around the world, specialists and innovation fans are as of now considering the potential outcomes of 6G. Frequently promoted as the "organization of organizations," 6G means to rise above the abilities of its ancestor by offering staggering information speeds, super low inactivity, and consistent joining of state of the art innovations like man-made consciousness, quantum figuring, and the Web of Things (IoT). This development isn't just about quicker download speeds; about making a totally new mechanical environment will change ventures and day to day existence in manners we can barely understand.

Expected Advantages of 6G

Exceptional Velocities: 6G is projected to offer information speeds that are many times quicker than 5G. This could prompt immediate downloads, immaculate streaming, and ongoing connections, empowering encounters that were beforehand unfathomable.

Super Low Inactivity: The inertness of 6G organizations is supposed to be decreased to simple microseconds. This will be a distinct advantage for applications that require split-second reaction times, like far off a medical procedure, independent vehicles, and increased reality encounters.

Huge IoT Incorporation: The Web of Things will get an enormous lift with 6G. The organization will actually want to deal with a phenomenal number of associated gadgets at the same time, opening entryways for cutting edge shrewd urban communities, brilliant horticulture, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Computer based intelligence and Quantum Figuring Cooperative energy: 6G will work with the consistent incorporation of artificial intelligence and quantum registering into different cycles. This will speed up logical exploration, improve complex frameworks, and make ready for new revelations.

Moves on the Way to 6G

Specialized Obstacles: Creating 6G innovation requires conquering various specialized difficulties, including making new remote ranges, further developing energy effectiveness, and tending to potential impedance issues.

Worldwide Principles: Organizing worldwide norms for 6G is fundamental to guarantee interoperability and inescapable reception. This interaction can be complicated and tedious.

Foundation Improvement: Carrying out 6G organizations will require critical foundation ventures. Legislatures, telecom organizations, and different partners should team up to make this a reality.

India's Situation in the 6G Race

India has consistently shown exceptional potential in the innovation area, with its talented labor force and developing advanced economy. The Indian government's proactive position on cultivating development and computerized change has situated the country as a vital participant in the rush to 6G.

Innovative work: Indian scientists and organizations are effectively adding to the worldwide talk on 6G. Cooperative endeavors between the scholarly world, industry, and the public authority will be vital in driving 6G turn of events.

Vital Preparation: India's Division of Broadcast communications has proactively laid out a significant level gathering to figure out a guide for 6G organization. This proactive methodology features India's obligation to being an early adopter of extraordinary innovations.

Possible Financial Effect: The effective send off of 6G in India could prompt huge financial advantages, including position creation, upgraded modern abilities, and further developed resident administrations.


As India plans to send off 6G, it remains at the limit of a mechanical upset that vows to reclassify the manner in which we collaborate with the world. The excursion to 6G isn't without its difficulties, however India's proactive endeavors in exploration, improvement, and arranging show its commitment to getting a main job in forming the fate of network. As 6G innovation keeps on developing, we can anticipate a future where the limits between the physical and computerized universes obscure, and new skylines of advancement call.




Hello guys this is tech sambandhi baatein and today i am here to make you aware of threads app so few days ago meta launched its app to acquire the traffic of twitter app so basically this app was launched to as a rival for twitter due to heavy restriction implemented on twitter by its CEO Elon musk.


Threads app came to finish twitter

During the period of Elon musk in twitter, the app has come across many restrictions for the users to like banning inappropriate accounts, raising the level of restrictions for user to use blue tick, censoring content, banning users, promoting misinformation, and failing to protect its users from harassment and abuse. due to which users are exploring the world of meta and are discovering the same features that were provided by twitter in past. but do you think that threads app might be able to beat twitter???? sorry to say this but I don’t think so. 


Threads same as twitter

Meta may have launched its app providing same features as twitter but there are some demerits of using meta as well:

  • Privacy protection is one of the main reasons for downfall of threads app. threads isn’t able to provide data or privacy protection for the users.
  • It’s a copycat app i.e., twitter 
  • If you want to delete the threads app account you also have to delete the Instagram account as well
  • Privacy concerns are off the chart. threads gather a lot more information than twitter including what labels as sensitive information such as racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious, and philosophical beleifs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information or biometric data which includes fingerprints and facial recognition data because it collects so much data due to which in several countries like Europe it’s still not have launched or can say the government didn’t let them launch their app in their country
  • Besides this, threads have limited features, unlike twitter there's no option of a home feed just for people you follow, though such a feature is in the works.
  • Threads provide the user with the data that the user don’t follow 
  • Facebook goal to keep you guys on to the platform for longer time to expose user with more ads when ads come to threads.
  • Search for specific post restricts the user experience 



Meta created a friendly platform where persons can meet and endanger their precious data threads app can only be used for endangering your private data mentioned above until or unless there are some guidelines formed or instructed by the governments to stop this irrational and dictatorship behaviour to stole our private data and sell them to other companies to grow the sale of products on the platform and wide range of users. this type of behaviour shall be banned immediately and should be punished with huge penalty so that they should never try to perform this kind of behaviour with anyone else.


Important Notice

Article on threads glitch is coming soon so stay tuned for more and to receive  latest updates on this topic 











Threads app have been launched by facebook as a rival for twitter and to distribute the market of twitter. This action was the last step to save facebook from being bankrupted and this platform pulled a large extent of people from instagram to threads metaverse and also allowing many users from the twitter app to shift simultaneously. but wait is it the end of twitter no i dont think so. recently there are some demerits that of threads app which donot allow users to trust the app and there data protection policy.

Demerits in threads app

recently some demerits have been seen in the threads app such as:

  •  data protection: one of the main reasons that you shouldnt use threads app is data protection
  • copycat app: it is a copycat app i.e. twitter 
  • delete account: if someone wants to delete threads account and if he/she is a instagram user he/she also has to delete his/her instagram account
  • providing miscellaneous data: threads app provide miscellaneous data that the user dont follow
  • aims of threads app: Facebook goal to keep you guys on to the platform for longer time to expose user with more ads when ads come to threads 
  • search: Search for specific post restricts the user experience 

Glitch in threads app

now lets come to the most important parts in this blog as the title depicts, recently a new glitch has been found in threads app that you may need to know.

so a girl named drishti solanki found out this glitch in this glitch she was not able to post any links, photos, videos, on her threads account. she informed the threads app about this glitch through report a problem option but her complaint was not solved this process was done 3-4 times in three days but still her problem didnt get solved. a photograph proof and a video link is attached to this blog you can see the photograph but for video you can click on the link which is provided below or can go to youtube and search for the channel name komedy and sadistic street.

youtube link to watch video -

so guys after knowing all this glitch tell me if you are going to use threads app or not tell me in the comments below

thanks for reading my blog 




  Presentation As the world keeps on being interconnected by the most recent progressions in innovation, India is focusing on the future by ...